Emma Kohler

Emma Kohler

* 24.12.2021
† 14.11.2022
Erstellt von Vorarlberger Nachrichten
Angelegt am 21.11.2022
14.205 Besuche

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Our Prayers Are With You

29.12.2022 um 02:10 Uhr von Serge A. Marek

Aloha Thomas:

I heard the news about your daughter from Mondy. My wife and I lost our daughter, Crystal (in a strange twist of sychronicity also born 12/24/98), in 2019 and we understand profoundly that there are no words that can express the sadness and pain you and your family must be feeling. Our prayers go out to you and recognize that this is not about healing but about coping and honoring. We set up a scholarship in our daughters name and we would love to donate to the Austrian Children's Charity Mondy mentioned. If you could share that information with us we would appreciate it. Stay strong together and allow time to bring back some functionality.

Serge & Kelly