Werner Valcanover

Werner Valcanover

* 06.05.1940
† 11.07.2024 in Frastanz
Erstellt von Vorarlberger Nachrichten
Angelegt am 17.07.2024
918 Besuche

Neueste Einträge (16)



Entzündet am 26.07.2024 um 12:03 Uhr

We're so deeply sorry for your loss. We will be thinking of you.” "Our hearts are saddened by your loss, and our thoughts are with you.”


Gilbert Sigler

Entzündet am 26.07.2024 um 05:42 Uhr

To my tito Werner. We never met each other in person but I hear so many good things about you, you’re the type of man who is very kind, responsible, caring and very loving husband to your wife but you also extended your kindness to other people like me and my family here in the Philippines. You helped me and my brother financially so we could finish school and I thank you for that. Rest in peace tito Werner from me and my family here in the Philippines. You trully were a wonderful soul and as a man I think that death is something inevitable. If a man has achieved what he considers duty to this world, he can rest in peace. I believe tito made that effort and has earned his eternal sleep. I pray God will reward you in heaven for a very good man and husband to our tita Ching. You will be forever remembered in our hearts Tito. Rest in peace.


Viktor & Monica Valencia

Entzündet am 26.07.2024 um 01:48 Uhr

You are always loved and never forgotten 

May your soul rest in peace 🕊


Ana Marie and Victor Valencia

Entzündet am 26.07.2024 um 01:03 Uhr

Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Werner Valcanover.


Nikkie Valencia

Entzündet am 25.07.2024 um 13:59 Uhr

you will be miss.. ❤


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